Excuse us for the news,
You might not be amused;
But did you know White comes from Black?
No need to be confused.
Chuck D, “Fear of a Black Planet,” from Public Enemy’s Fear of a Black Planet, 1990. More quotes from PE…
Excuse us for the news,
You might not be amused;
But did you know White comes from Black?
No need to be confused.
Elvis was a hero to most,
But he never meant shit to me, you see.
Straight up racist that sucker was,
Simple and plain…
Motherfuck him AND John Wayne.
Burn, Hollywood, burn, I smell a riot goin’ on,
First they’re guilty, now they’re gone!
All I want is peace and love on this planet.
Ain’t that how God planned it?
It’s weak to speak and blame somebody else
…When you destroy yourself.
Our freedom of speech is freedom or death,
We got to fight the powers that be!
It was you that chose your due,
You built a maze you can’t get through.
I tried to help you all I can,
Now I can’t do nuttin’ for you, man!